Our Services

AnotherDaughter™ is a caregiver’s one-stop source for arranging non-medical services for seniors, aging parents, and other loved ones who need help living independently in the Raleigh, North Carolina area.

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Respite Care

Respite Care of the Elderly Provides Family Caregivers a Chance to Relax and Enjoy Being with their Parents.

Belonging to the “Sandwich Generation” is demanding and stressful. Sometimes, you need a break from the demands of care-giving. AnotherDaughter™ understands that and wants to help you get the break you need.

They arrange respite care for you. That is, we arrange for qualified, professionals to take care of your loved one so that you can work, play with your kids, go to a movie, do the grocery shopping or take a short vacation. AnotherDaughter™ can arrange emergency attendance while you are on vacation. You can be away and know that your loved one will have someone to call on if there is an emergency.

Call AnotherDaughter™ now and claim the freedom to get away for a while.

Meet the Care Coordinator

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Service at a glance

Support for Independent Living

AnotherDaughter™ performs many senior care services, and can arrange, supervise and coordinate many others.

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